RDA Approved Housing Schemes for 2025: (How to Verify Legal Status Now?)

This is an updated list of the RDA approved housing schemes for 2025.

This new list helps you make informed decisions and ensures a secure investment.


After over 10 years in real estate, I decided to inject my experience into this piece and share it with you.

The best part? Help you invest your hard-earned money wisely, ensuring a higher return on investment (ROI) and securing your financial future.

Let’s get started without further ado!

What is RDA?

The RDA (Rawalpindi Development Authority) is a Govt department (authority). It has a governing body. Four directorates work under it. Look after approval and oversight of private housing schemes in the jurisdiction of district Rawalpindi.

Read also: Discover the Updated List of Phata-Approved Housing Societies.

I often get asked: Which housing project is a safe and reliable investment option?

Or, how can I check RDA-approved societies online?

The answer to this question is to get the approval status of a society or project beforehand.

Have you ever thought of some of the best housing societies inside Rawalpindi and Islamabad? Want to know how to verify a housing society/project’s authenticity?

Verify the housing society’s approval status with the Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) to ensure a secure investment and reduce fraud risk.

How to check the status of the RDA approved Housing Schemes (Society) by the Rawalpindi Development Authority:

To check/verify the RDA-approved housing societies 2025, go to the Rawalpindi Development Authority Website at https://rda.gop.pk/

Here is the step-by-step process for you to verify any housing project online:

  1. Select “Approved Housing Schemes” from the menu tab.
  2. On clicking Approved Housing Schemes, you land on page https://rda.gop.pk/housing-societies-2/ showing “Know Status of Housing Society.”
  3. Search for the name of a housing society or project inside the “Search Bar.”
  4. The filter options are available: Name Scheme, Location, Current Status, and Map.
  5. You can move forward and back for multiple pages by clicking the Next or Back Button at the end of the same page. You can also select “No wise” at your convenience.
RDA approved housing schemes
How to know the status of NOC

Note: This updated list is for you to be aware of the frauds/scams of Private Housing Societies.

List of RDA Approved Housing Schemes/Societies 2025

Here is the list of approved private housing societies by RDA for you to choose a better option available on the market:

Scheme’s NameApproval
CityTotal Area
Airport Green Garden Pvt. Ltd.ApprovedRawalpindiApproved over 4083.6 Kanals (transfer & mortgage deed is under process). The extension is approved over 924.5 kanal
Al-Haram CityApprovedRawalpindi4083.6 Kanals
924.5 kanal (Ext.)
Khudadad City, including the Airport enclaveApprovedRawalpindiPhase-I (@)
Bahria Golf CityApprovedMurreeNot Provided
Bahria ParadiseApprovedRawalpindi2500 Kanal
OGDC Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi312.87 Kanal
Abad Cooperative Housing Society(Gulshan-a-Abad)ApprovedRawalpindi2368.14 Kanal
Bahria Town Phase- VIIIApprovedRawalpindi11545.85 Kanal
17602 Kanal (*)
Bahria Town Phase-VIIIApprovedRawalpindi5954 Kanal
Banker City (court case)ApprovedRawalpindi212.99 Kanals
Bostan Avenue Housing SchemeApprovedRawalpindi1388.40 Kanal
Capital Smart City Chakri RoadApprovedRawalpindi7376 Kanal
17602 Kanal (Ext. *)
CBR Town Phase-IIApprovedRawalpindi700 Kanal
Clifton TownApprovedRawalpindi387.43 Kanal
Commoners Sky GardenApprovedRawalpindiFinal NOC issued.
Doctors Town Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi391.59 Kanal
Dream Valley Housing SchemeApprovedMurreeN/A
Eastridge Housing SchemeApprovedRawalpindi 461 Kanal
Elite Reverie Housing (Eighteen)ApprovedRawalpindi4839 Kanal
Engineer Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi1638.50 Kanal
Faisal Town (Rev & Extension)ApprovedTaxila11823 Kanals
Faisal Margalla CityApprovedTaxila3671.41 Kanals
Faisal Town (Rev & Extension)ApprovedRawalpindi 4735.90 Kanals
Fizaia Housing SchemeApprovedRawalpindiOGDC Housing Society
Foreign Office Employees Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi1342.50 Kanal(Merged in DHA)
Forest townApprovedRawalpindiapproved by PHATA
Gandhara CityApprovedRawalpindi393 Kanal.
449.2 kanal Ext. (*)
Garden VillasApprovedRawalpindi1342.50 Kanal (@)
Golden Jubilee Cooperative HousingApprovedRawalpindi291 Kanal
Gulshan-e-FatimaApprovedRawalpindi279 Kanal
Gulshan-e-sehat Health Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindiunapproved
Judicial ColonyApprovedRawalpindi305.87 Kanal
Kehkashan TownApprovedRawalpindi405.36 Kanal
Bahria Town (Phase- I, II & III (Partially)ApprovedRawalpindi1351 Kanals
Kohistan EnclaveApprovedRawalpindi599 Kanal
Kohsar housing projectApprovedRawalpindi600 Kanal
Lawyers Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindiMerged with DHA
Marble Arch EnclaveApprovedRawalpindi1278.5 Kanals
OGDC Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi19263.4 Kanal
Mumtaz CityApprovedRawalpindi3328.79 Kanal1502.58 Kanal Ext.
New City Housing Scheme (Phase-II)ApprovedRawalpindi1832 Kanal
OGDC Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindiapproved
Pakistan Atomic Energy Employees Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedKhudadad City, including the Airport enclave890.04 Kanal
Pakistan Employees Cooperative Housing Society K, K-Ext, MApprovedRawalpindi3489 Kanal
1576 kanal Ext
Pakistan Govt. Employees cooperative housing societyApprovedRawalpindiRabia Bungalows
PARC Cooperative Housing SchemeApprovedRawalpindi 501.70 kanals
PIA Officers Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi 1212 Kanals
Prism TownApprovedRawalpindi102 Kanals
Qartaba CityApprovedRawalpindi7148 Kanal
Khudadad City including the Airport enclaveApprovedRawalpindi 52.20 kanal
Rabia ResidencyApprovedRawalpindi314.37 kanal
Rehbar ColonyApprovedRawalpindi175.04 Kanal
Revenue Employees Cooperative Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindiAskari 14 now
Safari Enclave II (Land Sub Division)ApprovedRawalpindi 98 kanal
Safari ValleyApprovedRawalpindi 6199.81 Kanal
Safari Villas-IApprovedRawalpindi562.05 kanal
Safari Villas-IIApprovedRawalpindi310.75 kanal
Sanober CityApprovedRawalpindi 407.35 kanal
Shahbaz Villas (land sub-division)ApprovedRawalpindi2.5 kanal
Shalimar TownApprovedRawalpindi915.8 kanal
Silver CityApprovedRawalpindi241.14 Kanal
T&T Housing SocietyApprovedRawalpindi1981 kanal
Taj ResidenciaApprovedRawalpindi224 Kanal
Taj Residencia (Extension)ApprovedRawalpindi2200 Kanal
Tariq Sharif Smart CityApprovedRawalpindi763 kanals
& 08 marlas
Tarnol Housing SchemeApprovedRawalpindi3828 kanal
Top CityApprovedRawalpindi9681 Kanal
University TownApprovedRawalpindi3454 kanal
Up-Country EnclosureApprovedRawalpindi2014.42 kanal
(@) merged with DHA & (*) Under Process Partially

Powers & Functions of Authority

Below are the powers and functions of the RDA:

  • To evolve policies & programs relating to the improvement of the environment, housing, water supply, sewerage & drainage
  • To ensure the economical & effective utilization of land
  • To prepare & execute new schemes
  • To approve the budget & make regulations
  • To preserve and Improve the Environment
  • To plan, guide, control, and implement short and long-term development projects
  • To protect traffic & transportation corridors, roads, bridges, industry, education, health and planning execution, etc.
  • Building, land use control, and urban development plans
  • Approval and control over private housing schemes
  • To acquire property, movable and immovable
  • To establish an Agency / Agencies and entrust such powers and functions as it may deem fit with the approval of the Government

Types of approvals

Here are the types of approval:

  • Sanction Letter
  • Planning Permission
  • Approval of Layout Plan (LOP)

How does the RDA Approve a Private Housing Society?

Here is the list of step-by-step processes to make a housing project/housing society functional and legit requires approval in this order:

  1. Preliminary Planning Permission under Rule 7(2) (e ) of Punjab Private Housing Scheme & Land Sub-Division Rules 2010
  2. Town Planning Under Rule 16(3)(C ) of Punjab Private Housing Scheme and Land Sub-Division Rules 2010
  3. Area reserved for roads, open spaces, parks and graveyards, solid waste management
  4. 1% of the Scheme area for a public building, excluding space reserved for mosques.
  5. Mortgage Deed in favour of Rawalpindi Development Authority
  6. A Performance bond and bank guarantee.

Invest with Confidence in Rawalpindi’s Top Housing Societies[2025]

I recommend you follow the below steps of the checklist for making a secure real estate investment:

4 Simple Steps to Secure Your Investment in Real Estate

  1. Visit & Explore: Check out the housing project site in person!
  2. Document Dive: Review all relevant papers & contracts carefully.
  3. Property Past: Uncover the ownership history of the property.
  4. NOC Check: Verify the housing society’s legal No Objection Certificate.

Wrap up

RDA’s list of approved housing schemes offers secure investments, ensuring safety and stability.

Investors trust these projects for reliable returns and minimized risks. With proper approval, projects attract investors, leading to long-term profitability.


Is Taj Residencia approved by RDA?

Taj Residencia is an approved housing project.

Is Faisal Town approved by RDA?

Faisal Town is an NOC-approved project.

Is Silver City approved by RDA?

Yes, Silver City is an approved housing project.

Is Top City approved by RDA?

Top City is NOC-approved, located near the M2 Motorway and Islamabad International Airport, under the jurisdiction of the Rawalpindi Development Authority.

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