Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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How long does it take for my property for sale or real estate I am looking for to appear on this website?
Your listing starts to appear as soon we activate your account. It may take between 5 minutes to 3 Hrs before we activate your account.
What if I don't find a location in city where I want to sell or buy a plot?
I would like to advertise my property
Is there any attestation (like Notary Public, Foreign Office) require to make it valid/acceptable to embassies for visa purposes?
The simple answer to this question is "Not at all". As we are approved evaluators in Pakistan our <a href="">Property Valuation Certificate for Visa (PVC)</a> or Valuation Report is acceptable to all embassies without any attestation to it.
Is it valid/acceptable to embassies?
What is the process of Property Valuation Certificate (PVC)?
Which cities of Pakistan do you offer services?
Which documents are required for Property Valuation Certificate (PVC)?
What is the process of Property Valuation Certificate (PVC)?
Which documents are required for property valuation report/certificate (PVC)?
Why should I use a real estate salesperson?
A real estate salesperson is more than just a sales person. They act on your behalf as your agent, providing you with advice and guidance and doing a job helping you buy or sell a home. While it is true they get paid for what they do, so do other professions that provide advice, guidance, and have a service to sell such as Certified Public Accountants and Attorneys The Internet has opened up a world of information that wasn't previously available to home buyers and seller. The data on listings available for sale is almost current but not quite. There are times when you need the most current information about what has sold or is for sale, and the only way to get that is with an agent. If you have a sound understanding of Real estate Law, online marketing techniques and strong negotiation skills you can consider selling your own home without a real estate agent.
How do I choose the right agent?
What about the agents fees and charges?
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