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How long does it take for my property for sale or real estate I am looking for to appear on this website?

Posted on: 04 Dec 2020

Your listing starts to appear as soon we activate your account. It may take between 5 minutes to 3 Hrs before we activate your account.

What if I don’t find a location in city where I want to sell or buy a plot?

Posted on: 04 Dec 2020

If you don’t find a location where you want to post your listing, you may add it under the location: OTHERS. We will add your location within 24 Hrs and place your property under that location. However if you don’t find a city where you want to buy or sell property, you may request us do whatever you want to update

How do I sell more than one of the same item?

Posted on: 25 Apr 2018

If you have more than one of the same item for sale, you can create a multiple-quantity listing by clicking the ‘Add a quantity to this listing’ link as you set up your listing. For example, you’ve got ten dozen floor tiles left over from your home renovations last year. Just enter ’10’ under ‘Quantity do whatever you want to update

I would like to advertise my property

Posted on: 25 Apr 2018

This website is accessible to any Register Member any person/Registered real estate agent to advertise a property, we do not however take direct bookings from the public for private sales. We would recommend you to signup and then upload properties. A complete dashboard is available to all Registered Member to see progress of each listing do whatever you want to update